Wednesday 3 June 2009

Does electronic monopolized us?

Have you
got any other hobby, but sitting in front of computer or listening to music?

When you don't have to work or learn, what do you do? How do you spend your free time?

I have found out something special.
With a group of friends for few years we are tripping around Poland. It doesn't matter if we are traveling by bus, train, ridding bikes or walking. The place of our accomodation is also not important. It could be motel, hostel, tent or even train station.

The most significant thing is that we are together, spending great time and having fun. Every expedition brings new sensations. Besides sightseeing well-known and popular places we are also finding some forgotten or undiscovered wonders.

We always learn something about ourselves, improve and cross our capabilities.
I think there is nothing better than this. Memories caught on the photo will be with us our whole life, unforgotable time spent with people who means a lot for us. Every thought about this excursions thrills me.

I am curious if you have got something so special, some hobby that makes you feel like?
I am waiting for your suggestions...

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