Saturday 25 April 2009


Kenji Kawakami profesionally occupies in finding practical and convenient solutions of problems which actually don't exist...Creative Japanese discovers for example a butter in a tube, instrument for a toilet paper to hang on a head and portable pedestrian crossing.

Would you like a nap in underground?Use a prop under a chin, which permits to sleep upright. You don't know where dry laundry? System of hangers Drymobile, installed on the roof of a car enables do it very fast thanks to air. Are you afraid of the darkness? You should have with you special torch with solar batteries. Don't like stooping? Try sensational tidying flip-flops with tagging brush or dustpan. Kawakumi's creativity is boundless.

These unique constructions inventor called chindogu, in japanese 'strange tool'. Kawakami creates also code obligatory for all creators similar tools. According to his opinion, chindogu must be inspired by everyday life and seemingly useful. Kawakami's rules forbid the sale and patenting chindogu.

First projects of untypical inventions Japanese just in fun puts in his own magazine about furnishing. Response of readers was enormous. Kawakami was a real cult person. In the last twenty years he constructed almost thousend of instruments, wrote several books and his useless inventions were shown in many foreign exibitions. Nowadays thousands of fiends in the whole world concern themselves in inventing and constructing chindogu.

Have you ever wondered about your own invention? What could it be?


  1. I’m really impressed by the inventiveness of these people. About the majority of this inventions I would never thought they could exist. It’s rather a kind of contest who will invent something more unusual and funny than a real attempt to make something useful which will improve our life. Unfortunately, my imagination isn’t lively enough and I have never thought about creating something. I rely on others that they will invent objects who will be usefull for me.:)

  2. Yea... Japanese are good known of strange an really unusually ideas for inventions. But I have to add, some of them could be helpful:)
    How about me? I am not a person who like tinkering, I've never think about any invention... but what could it be? Well... I am a lazy person, so maybe something like handy teleporter - It could be used when you don't want to go to other room for newspaper or book. You only have to clik bottom and demand thing will appear near of you? But how to build it? I don't know :)

  3. I've never thought that pepole can create something like that! It's really funny:) I think that invention for runny nose may be helpful. But I can't imagine that I'm walking with this on my head... ooh God!:P I've never thought about my invention but it could be something what will clean all house:) It will save our time.

  4. I never thought about my own innovations. A lot of pepople invents a lot of inventions. Something are stench but something are usefull. I think that if nothing will create a new things we livs in cave.

  5. I didn't know, that is something like butter in a tube. In my opinion this is the next step to beeter World :) I know Japan is place, where live people who have a lot of ideas and make strange robots, but maybe we will make something like that? :) For example something what reminds about to water plants.
    Now nothing will suprise me :)

  6. I think about my own invention. I study chemistry and sometimes I think about my future at university and bout be a scientist. I would like to discover a helpful medicament for deathly illness. It could be help majority of people.

  7. Japanese are famous because of the inventions for e.g a car for a water. I have never think about any invention. I study chemistry and maybein the future I will find something. But now it would be nice is somebody finde a spray against bugs for people. You will use it and the bug won't see tou :)

  8. They are good for our comfort living but most of them are not necessary. For exemple, the most important discovery in medcine is Penicill of course, because it saved milions of lives.
    I would like to hear that we discover another medicine or something else to provide human lives.
    Lavatory paper on the head is funny, and that's all.

  9. I’m thinking about my own invention very often, I would like to invent something thanks to that I wouldn't have to work. Maybe it could be some kind of a new snack which would make as impressive career as for example the donut in US, or maybe a lipstick for teenagers which would be cooling lips in a healthy way to make their kisses unusual. I don’t know yet, but I’m thinking about that continuously and I have hope that someday I would invent something worth of attention.

  10. In fact I've never thought about my own inwention...I don't need it... And when I look on chindogu, I'm happy I don't create something... ;)

  11. I've never though about my own inwention cuz I've never come up with any. I think that Japanese inventions are good maybe not all of them but most can develop and be usefull in the future.

  12. Some of this inventions are so strange that I've never though that they exist and I thing that most of them are useless but they are really funny (invention for runny nose). Moreover inventions are relly important they provide us to the future but I have never though about my own inventions and I don't need it.

  13. More of this solutions come into being, becouse somebody can to see fit that is on the point of indispensable thing! but life is very cruel and people don't acept this inventions:)

  14. In my opinion the vast majority of all these inventions is completely useless and the will never be implemented or launched on the market.
    On the other hand I appreciate all the people who are innovative and able to invent some devices. They all broaden our minds. The chance for the change of peoples' everyday is very small but I believe that one in million can turn out to be a cutting edge.

  15. I have never thinking about my own invention before but now after this presentation I see that any idea can be use. I agree with those who say that these inventions are in most of cases a total waste of someone's time and money. I saw once a TV show called "American inventor" where Americans could present their own inventions. It was absolutely stupid but I was amazed how people can seriously create something so useless and absurd.

  16. Some of this inventions are really strange (think about that, what strange are their discoverers :P ). Whatever, almost all o this inventions doesn't find purchasers. In my opinion only invention for runny nose may be useful in future.

  17. This inventions are really funny. I never wondered about my invention, because I haven`t necessity.

  18. Most of this inventions are ridicoulus useless, so probably some day I'll turn on my TV and see it in tv shop. Inventors of such things should win a prize ''how to sell sth which people don't need and make a fortune on it''.

  19. Frankly speaking I have never thinking about my own inwention... But I have to admit that this inventions are really funny and maybe someday I will create something but now I don't need this.

  20. Very interesting inventions I found on this article (for example: tie or sandals) ;)
    Japanese love different inventions and I think they are really good. Their technological inventions are interesting but sometimes they amplify (for exemple: this toilet paper).

  21. It is known that the Japanese are very hardworking, have good scientists and technicians so that they very often are the authors of inventions is not surprising. However, they are also known for their strange ideas, such as a very original street fashion or parades ala hallowen. Therefore, no wonder my inventions presented in article, they are ingenious, but the not for practical ends.
