Sunday 3 May 2009

Are young people slaves to fashion?

Fashion in Modern Mass Media has been described as a mirror of what people are thinking and doing. Different types of media have always had a strong influence on people. Fashion can be expressed through television shows, movies, as well as music videos. These media vehicles are all part of the social environment in which today's young people grow up, and they can contribute to setting social norms. Most teenagers spend more than seven hours a day listening to the radio and CDs or watching music videos and televisions shows. They are taking an example from their favourite super stars, models and singers. They want to look just like them, so they make horrible things with their bodies, for example: tattoos, piercing or even plastic surgery.

In the media sexuality is portrayed in a way that sets a certain standard of "beauty" that can be misleading or unrepresentative. A lot of adolescents define what is trendy and the way to dress by looking at their favorite actors, singers, or T.V shows.

In today's society an increasing number of girls experience blows to their self-esteem and even develop eating disorders due to the media's influence. The main source of these self-esteem blows are fashion magazines, as well as TV characters. The age of girls being influenced by the media is getting younger and younger. Studies have shown that pre-pubescent girls as young as four or five are concerned with their body weight. This concern is often as extreme as feelings of guilt, shame and complete distortion of body image. Studies show, that these self-destructive feelings are often due to the media's influence. Destructive and negative feelings about one's body can lead to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia . Some characteristics of one who suffers from anorexia include: losing a significant amount of weight, fearing weight gain, continuing to diet although thin, feeling overweight even after significant weight loss, losing monthly menstruation, preferring to di!et in isolation, binging and purging and preoccupation with food, calories and nutrition.

Adolescents often feel fatally flawed if their weight, hips, and breasts do not match up to those of models and actors. As a part of discovering their identity, teens experiment with their appearance, and much of the time their parents are offended by the results.

Making everything into account fashion’s influence on young people is really huge and unfortunately often destructive.

What do you think about that? Are teenagers really slaves to fashion?


  1. I think a lot of young people is slave to fashion. I agree with Małgosia, that they want to look like a famous people. In fact they lost their own originality.
    The movie about people with eating disorder is wery good spot. It show in what way that people see themself. In fact everything started from fashion, and trying to be like a model...

  2. I think that young people are slave to fashion. They want to have latest clothes and stuff and they can't see that this is not necessary. They want to be like models or idols but they can't see that they are special and have unique point. Everyone have to find that point and accept. When you do it, you needn't worry about fashion.

  3. I also agree that most of young people are slaves to fashion. Some of them are capable to do almost everything to look fashion like famous people. They make tattoos, piercing or even plastic surgery which is inadmissible for me. The most important things for them are clothes and their bodys, they don't think about anything else and they lost themselfs.They forget that when they find themselfs and accept it they won't need to be like a stars and needn't worry about fashion.

  4. I think it depends on what fashion we are talking about. A clothes fashion, or lifestyle fashion? In my opinion teenagers ale a slaves of clothes fashion, I am too. But it is easy to explain. In boutique are only fashinable clothes, and I like them. I don't think that it is bad.

  5. I disagree with the opionion that young people are slave to fashion- it's general and exaggerated to think that way. More of young people, which I know try to made theirseves orginally style. Their lifestyle and clothes are express what they think and feel. In my opinion teenagers not to model theyselves upon celebrities now becouse they don't belive them. And I want to write something about tatoo- it's obvious that since very long time ago people paint and decorate their bodies variously symbols and marks.

  6. Everybody want to look good and it usually means to look fashionably. In this order we look what is weared in the tv, in the magazines and on the streets. Part of us is reasonable in it - they look what is weared and they choose from it what they like and (which is the most important) what suits them. However, the second part of us, usually it concerns teenagers, do not even try to evaluate the fashion showed in tv but they take for granted that it's cool and it looks great. And they dress them in the order to look the most possibly similar to the tv stars. And sometimes it looks rather ridiculous than fashinably. They're surely slaves to fashion.

  7. And about this short movie - I liked it very much. It shows perfectly how the girls suffering from bulimia and anorexia perceive themselves. It's horrible. In this case, the fashion and the desire to look like tv models led them to a serious disease. The price they pay is far more higher than a price payed for a new fashionable trousers or t-shirt.

  8. I agree that most of young people are slaves to fashion. Nowadays it's oddly not to wear the most fashionable clothes, shoes or other accessories. But beeing a slave to fashion can be very dangerous. Young people are told to be like models or hollywood stars and this type of people are real. They fake but young people don't see this or don't want to see this. It's sad.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. From my point of view, young people pay attention to their clothes. They are looking for a different ways of expressing their individualities and one of the most successful is dress code.
    The clothes are emblazoned with different motives but the most popular ones are those who are symbols of some well-recognised fashion companies. These clothes show "I'm in" , "I know what's going on", "You can treat me as one of your group".
    In my opinion this is one of the signs what the world looks like today and what it puts attention to. Unfortunately.

  11. I think that young people now are acting exactly in the same way as young people 20,30 or 40 years go. There are some of them who really want to be fashionable no matter what but there are still those who care the most about their individualism.
    On the other hand being fashionable is not always a bad thing. Very often fashionable people are also creative and they express themselves by clothes.
    I personally think that there's nothing bad in being fashionable until fashion is not becoming the most important part of your life.

  12. It depends on personality. In fact, more of teenagers are "slaves to fashion", its true - they always want to posses clothes which are not useful, but are latest and trendy. Very often style of someone who really have personality and vision of clothes, and who simultaneously is not slave of fashion, is perceiving s such a lame.

  13. I agree that young people are slaves to fashion. They want to look like their favourite super stars, models and singers. They make horrible things with their bodies, tattoos, piercing. I think that it is stupid and they look awfully. But in my opinion, when young people will grow up, they don`t slave to fashion.
    This spot is very good, it show anorexia problem.

  14. Of course, blame TV and famous people that our children want to look like Britney Spears or captain Jack Sparrow. It's a big problem that young people create some diffrent world where fashionable clothes or modern mobile phone is prioirty. In fact they do it because they don't have authority in real life like father or teacher.

  15. In my opinion, it isn't wrong if young people want to look good. Our clothes and outlook show our personality. I think that young people should look after their outlook. But on the other hand, teens usually exaggerate. They want to be thin and they don't think about their health. This movie presents this problem. I agree with you that the stars can have bad influence on young people. But what can we do?

  16. In my opinion a lotof young people want be "trendy". They are't look at good clothes with good material but they wear strange suit. Some people can't wear comfortable and formal. Young people want unforal clothes and the most stupid. In my opinion true arts is look good and feel good my clothes.

  17. Young people want to be trendy, it is obvious. The worst thing is treatment brands, clothes etc as a priority in their life. There is no place for any deeper values, everybody tries to perform his own play in front of the others and of course to be better than they. Life becomes one big theatre, we become dummies. I don't think it is good. It is worrying.

  18. I agree with opinion that young people are slave of the fashion. Of course, many people want to be trendy but for the young people it is evil. Teenagers who are 12-15 years old amplify with their clothes or make-up.

  19. I agree with others, the majority of young people - not only - follow the fashion. There are also those who want to show to any price that they don't care about fashion, but usually they fall to one subculture, and also dress according to certain rules. I think that interest in fashion is nothing wrong, but the victims of fashion, for example Polish stars are pathetic in my opinion.
