Tuesday 5 May 2009


Fashion is a visibly changing phenomenon. Nowadays, it has a great influence on human life. It determines the lifestyle and standardizes the image of people all over the world.

There are some characteristic fashionable elements which appear in different palces of the whole world, for example: cowboy shoes, sari from India or Mexican poncho.


Fashion influences the taste and standard of what people like or not. If we want to look good, we should follow the newest fasion. This is a problem because fashion changes a lot faster than before. It depends on mass media too. People sometimes say that fashion is comic twice: firstly, when it starts, secondly, when it wears off.


For many young people following fashion is the most important thing. It means than they are able to change and modify very fast. When you copy models it is because you lose own piont of view. Clothing may draw somebody’s attention but in time it is difficult to keep up appearances, and who we are depends not on what t-shirt we have.

So is sticking to fashion and constant changing the cause of losing our own identity? Or maybe it is just a new philosophy of life?


  1. Fashion is an important element of our life. Isn't true that fine feathers make fine birds? We're juged everywhere, at work, at school, on the street. If we want to be well perceived we have to be quite in vogue. Hovewer, some of us start to pay too big attention to the way they are dressed. Maybe I'm watching too critically but I think that the majority of contemporary teenagers is addicted to fashion. Whole their life is subordinate to the latests trends. They marginalize the young who aren't fashionable. And they are trylly convinced that this latest fashion style is their style but as soon as the trends change they are capable to transformate radically "their style". It's very sad. Maybe it's due to age? I think the elders (obviously there ale always some exeptions)can assume an attitude more critical.

  2. I think that nowadays, fashion is sometimes defined as a constantly changing trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons. Nevertheless, it is necessary to say that at the present moment fashion has a deeper influence on the life of people and possess more than just frivolous reasons for its existance. Clothing has become an integral part of self-realization of every person. It is no longer just an external shield and a frivolous attitude towards it may cause loosing a very important physical, psychological and social aspect of a person’s life.

  3. I think that fashion is a important part of our life. Nowadays we have such a choice of different clothes and accessories in different amounts of money so everybody can choose something for himself. And the way we look very often says who we are or who we want to be. I'm of course not saying that the outfit it's the most important part of us and that it says everything. I personally have friends who have so different styles: from skates, fans of metal music to fashion victims but still I claim that we can express many thing by our clothes, hairstyle or tattoos.

  4. Now fashion is very importatnt for people especially for the youg one. NOw everybody want to look good because people judge others based on their appearance. And it could hurt somebody. Nowadays our apperance can help us to get a good job. But becasue of that people do not concentrate on people, on their character, way of thinking and way of seeing world. People at large are now gold-digger. It's sad

  5. For me fashion is really good thing. I like clothes and I think that with so diversified fashions You could make your own style. Fashion is changing so fast that there is no sens to chase it. I have a lot of clothes but they're all-purpose so they're always good.

  6. Fashion.. recently is very important part of our life. Many of us aren't thrifty persons if we mean about clothes. In some ways, fashion describes our personality, in some ways cover it. By the way, I've noticed that some people rather wants to looking good than be a good human. It is jumbled.

  7. Nowadays fashion become very popular. Especially young people attach importance to how they look, what they were. It is simpler to were trendy things that it was 30 years ago. There is a lot of shops which have cheap, but trendy clothes.

  8. I have got really clear-sighted attitude to fashion. I notice I like clothes which aren't fashionable, but simply matching to me, to my style. I compilate clothes from my grandmother's wardrobe, my mother's clothes and even my little sister's clothes. I don't mind opinions of the others, because I feel good and it is the most important. Fashion is for me only an instrument to express myself, not an aim.

  9. I don't know whether I'm fashionable or not. I like clothes in which I feel good. I prefer shirts then t-shirts in spring or summer and blouses in winter. It isn't important for me whether I'm trendy. I must have comfortable clothes.
