Sunday 10 May 2009


According to Online Etymology Dictionary "lifestyle" is from 1929, originally a specific term used by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler (1870-1937); broader sense is from 1961. In sociology a lifestyle is the way a person lives.

Style of life is concern individual, characteristic for every human a way of life: the whole of motives, features, interests, merits, behavior, and the metod what we observe the world and respond to it. It is depend on social norms, surroundings, where human identify with some kind of behavior, also a personal convictions and importances. It can depend on economical and political situation and social structure.

A lifestyle typically also reflects an individual's attitudes, values or worldview. Therefore, a lifestyle is a means of forging a sense of self and to create cultural symbols that resonate with personal identity. Not all aspects of a lifestyle are entirely voluntaristic. Surrounding social and technical systems can constrain the lifestyle choices available to the individual and the symbols she/he is able to project to others and the self.

Is the most general description of activity a determined social group or individual. Lifestyle is created and reached during all our life and undergo a transformation.

It is important, that our personality is changing under the influence our lifestyle.

We can to distinguish many type of our lifestyle, but the most popular are a consumer lisfestyle and healthy lifestyle. Here we have so modern types of life.

Consumer lifestyle:
This influencing factor relates to the way we live through the activities we engage in and interests we express. In simple terms it is what we value out of life. Lifestyle is often determined by how we spend our time and money. It is fact that exist a scince name consumer behavior- is the study of when, why, how, where and what people do or do not buy products. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioural variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general.

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Healthy lifestyle:

Complete different type of life is healthy lifestyle- is tis generally oposition of consumer behavior. We hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general, a healthy person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Better lifestyle habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack- here are few exaples of healthy food and dishes: HERE

Many people have excess stress that affects their health, happiness, and other areas of their lives. But while virtually all of us could benefit from adding healthy habits to our lifestyle, it’s harder to begin a new habit.One of many steps is start to creating a healthy new habit that will be a long-term staple in your lifestyle is to choose an activity that fits well with who you are and how you live.

* Eat heart-healthy foods
* Do not smoke or use tobacco
* Make exercise a habit
* Manage stress
* Maintain a healthy weight
* Monitor your blood pressure
* Get adequate sleep
* Take medications as prescribed
* Limit alcohol intake

what type of lifestyle you prefer? Are you a coach potato and spend your days to buy and eat or maybe you active and resonabe person?


  1. I prefer active and healthy lifestyle, but in fact it is very difficult to be determined only on one way... there are many situation in witch people are weak, and try something from the other lifestile. But i think it isn't something wrong. If we can keep everything in balance we can eat what we like, and be health

  2. In my opinion I don't have to according rules healthy lifestyle. I like sometimes eat hamburger in MacDonald and pizza, a like coca cola and sometimes watch tv for all night. But I like eat wegetables and friuits and another healthy "ingediens" our live, My live is just balanced: some unhealthy and some halthy.

  3. I my family house, my parents prefer healthy style of life- healthy eating and doing some kind of sport so I'm used to it. I usually try to eat healthy- a lot of vegetables and fresh things but still I have some little addictions like coke! I love coke and I'm drinking it a lot! I'm maybe not the biggest fan of sport but I'm rather active person- I'm dancing all year long, swimming in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. These are the most popular and pleasant ways of spending active time.

  4. Well I know lots of healthy lifestyle but I sometimes don't have time and strenght to do it :).I'm trying to be an active person- I dance and practice yoga. Living on healthy way is the thing we can learn but it's better when we are used to this from our family home, when we see how our parent, sibling are living like that.

  5. I prefer healthy lifestyle. I don`t smoke and I hate when somebody smoke near to my. I have a healthy weight. I try to eat healthy food, i like fruit and vegetable. I try cooking in the house, but sometimes I eat hamburger in MacDonald, pizza or kebab. I drink not much alcohol. I`m not active person, but I want change it.

  6. I would like to be a healthy and fit person but it is really hard to find the time and be consistent. I try to do some sports, including climbing, table tennis and cycling and they make me feel happy and more content. However, I can’t be on a diet because I love polish food that contains many fats and carbohydrates.
    It is important to stay healthy but we shouldn’t forget that the most important is to be happy. And if it is connected even with the junk food we shouldn’t avoid things that make us happy.

  7. I think the lifestyle is not only what we're eating. Lifestyle is a term a lot more general and our diet is only one of numerous things. I, the term of lifestyle immediately associate with the style of wearing, looking and (which is the most important) behaving. It describes who we are, who are our friends and frequently whrere do we come from. Often the lifestyle is connected to the music we're listening, mainly it concerns teenagers. They choose a music genre and they identify them with the leaders of music groups. However, as they grow up their way of thinking changes, they watch more critically and the're capable to create their own lifestyle.

  8. I think that ther is many way of lifestyle and to choose right everyone should make own idea of lifestyle. In that way we can adjust exercise and food to our possibility. Of course with any doubt we could consultation with expert.

  9. I prefer a healthy lifestyle, because then I feel good, I keep fit and I like low-fat food. I love friuts and vegetables.Free - four days in week days in the evening I do exercise and go jogging. Sometimes I go to swimming pool or play volleyball.

  10. Of course everybody want to keep fit and live in a healthy lifestyle but we are up to the eye in work, we live in hurry all time and it's not easy. However, healthy lifestyle is popular now, more and more people find some time for going to the gym, swimming pool or they practice at home. I also noticed that there is coming in to being many places when you can eat healthy meals - made from fresh vegetables and fruits. And what is interesting queue to this bars are getting gradually bigger than queue for kebab,

  11. In my opinion it is hard to say which style of life I prefer. I have no addictions and I like doing sports (especially: riding a bike, swimming, jogging and skiing). But sometimes I can’t deny oneself to eat something in fast food restaurants or to can’t afford myself to eat some sweets or too much chocolate. Anyway I’m a big fun of healthy lifestyle and I would like to have more motivation to always behave in accordance with my believes.

  12. I don't know what I like more, doing sport or lying on the bed with pack of krisps. I want to keep fit but usually I don't have time on it. I try eating healthy food like vegetables or fruits, but it is really difficult because I very like candy and fast food! When I have free time I go by bike or play volleyball. I think that today it's really difficult to keep healthy lifestyle. We don't have enough free time and we have too much stress!

  13. It's a very difficult to keep healthy lifestyle. In healthy lifestyle it's important to do physical exercises,
    drink only water or juice, eat slowly and healthy without hamburgers from Burger King (and other fast food but B.K. is
    the best !;) and sleep well (I mean 8-9 h, not 12 h ). Nowadays it's nearly impossible. We sleep not to much and eat quickly and unhealthy.

  14. Everyone should to care about health, it doesn't matter how many hours is spending with computer and documents, even it doesn't matter if we are tired - healthly eat and a lot of move, sports are the only way to be alive and healthly ;) I love healthly lifestyle (mainly because I do very much sports) such as special diet, trainning and a lot of things, which makes me healthly and glad ;)

  15. I have a problem with opinion what kind of lifestyle I'm leading but I think that is some kind of mixed lifestyle. I do exercises, raiding a bike and a horse(when I have a free time)generaly I love move and I hate sitting in the same place without it but sometimes I also like reading a book or watch some good film. I try eatting healthy food like fruits, vegetables or fish(I hate fish)but it is realy difficult beacouse I love pizza. In my opinion it is really diffcult to lead authentic healthy lifestyle!

  16. I think that it's really hard to life healthy but I think that I can frankly say that my lifestyle is healthy. I always try to eat healthy food- especially fruits and vegetables. I also don't smoke and drink alcohol. But I have to admit that I I`m not active person, but I want change it.

  17. I try to lead consistent lifestyle: I avoid for example confectionery (besides I don't like, I run twice a day, drink almost always water. I think it's a matter of habit. I fell with it better and it's not a problem or sacrifice for me.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Healthy lifestyle is very good. People should to practice any sport and eat only healthy food. But unfortunately today people don't have time for it. We prefer relax after work then thinking about our lifestyle.

  20. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. I try to use a healthy diet, or 5 meals a day instead of sweets, dried fruits and halvah or sesame. Of course, not always me that goes, but in general I can say that nourishes consciously. I sleep always min. 8 hours, I run and I practice every day (or every other day:) My problem is, however, coffee and cigarettes, I know that cigarettes are especially enemy health.
