Thursday 2 April 2009

Law and order

http://sweetbrenton art law and order.jpg

In every day life, the sequence of people's political desires is well defined. First of all, people desire order. Without order, life is chaotic and people die. Next comes law, so people can predict what will happen. Law is not necessarily just. The key is that it provide enough predictability for people to survive.

We can speak about law and order, when the vast majority of population respects the rule of law, and where the law enforcement agencies observe laws that limit their powers. Maintaining law and order implies firm dealing with occurrences of theft, violence, and disturbance of peace, and rapid enforcement of penalties imposed under criminal law.

Different people have different interpretations about what the "rule of law" means. Among modern legal theorists, the two major views are known as the formal approach and the substantive approach.

The "formal" interpretation is the predominant view, and it holds that the law must be prospective, well-known, and have characteristics of generality, equality, and certainty. Other than that, the formal view contains no requirements as to the content of the law. This formal approach allows laws that protect democracy and individual rights, but recognizes the existence of "rule of law" in countries that do not necessarily have such laws.

The major minority view (i.e. the substantive interpretation) holds that the rule of law intrinsically protects some or all individual rights. There are other minority views as well, including the view that the rule of law impliedly guarantees democracy.

In politics, law and order refers to a political platform which supports a strict criminal justice system, especially in relation to violent and property crime, through harsher criminal penalties. These penalties may include longer terms of imprisonment, mandatory sentencing, and in some countries, capital punishment.

Supporters of "law and order" argue that effective deterrence combined with incarceration is the most effective means of crime prevention. Opponents of law and order argue that a system of harsh criminal punishment is ultimately ineffective because it does not address underlying or systemic causes of crime.

"Law and order" is a recurring theme in political campaigns around the world. Candidates may exaggerate or even manufacture a problem with law and order, or characterise their opponents as "weak" on the issue, in order to generate public support. The expression also sometimes carries the implication of arbitrary or unnecessary law enforcement, or excessive use of police powers.

Some governments fail to provide order and law. In that case, people group together to provide their own. Clans take on importance. So do villages in which people who grew up together look suspiciously on outsiders.

We can watch such a situation here:) (copy address to bar in your internet viewer)

and next example


  1. What abuot law? I'm studing law becouse it is the most fantastic profession. But films about lawyer and law are exaggerated. Lawyer aren't bad like producer shows in the films and lawyers aren't good like we will.

  2. film always different than real life. In film case is quick, but in real life very often we have to wait by months to sentence. In many situation it is tragedy to family who sue...

  3. I can't imagine community without law and order. It helps country function normaly.Somebody who has commited crime should get a punishment. I think that punishments should be higher. In my opinion it will reduce a number of crimes.

  4. The law is a system of rules indispensable in every society, in every nation and in every community. It shapes politics, economics and society in numberless ways and serves as the primal social mediator in relations between people. It regulates rights and responsibilities of every member of the society. Rules and laws existed from the begining of the mankind. They were invented in the aim to install an order in the human community. Obviously, the law system isn’t ideal, so all the time it’s improved and modificated. Hovewer, we could not live without it. Better an imperfect law that a great chaos.

  5. Sometimes I think I am a follower of total anarchy, I can't stand ubiquitous law and order. Nevertheless I can't imagine real life with any warrants and bans. Probably nothing regulates world as good as fear...

  6. I think that low and order should be in every country and it depends on people, who live there. From their culture,level of criminality and of course from what thay can. I can not imagine world without low and order, it will be dngerous and unreasonable for me.In my opinion low should be still reforming.

  7. Arghhh I hate that kind of TV drama. People watch it and belive that is a real life and lawyer is almost James Bond or another super agent. Life is brutal and boring. Most of polish lawyers are old, ugly and do nothing. In Poland lawyers don't make elegiac speech, because it doesn't work. But in U.S.A. everything could happened:D Ask O.J. Simpson:D

  8. I think that this kind of TV serials isn’t so bad, of course serials about lawyers don’t show the truth and they give people false representation of attorney’s work, but they can also make something good. For example: thanks to them many young persons become interested in studying law or they can bring back hope in power of law for some people. In Poland we haven’t got many serials of this type, maybe because situation in polish courts is especially uninteresting…

  9. The main problem is fact that law and order which we are watching at TV is definitively different that this, what we have at our polish reality. But TV serials, as far as aren't about real life, generally shows unreal world, where all is simple and easy. In Poland we have boring serials, which create boring characters, unfortunately.

  10. The problem of law and order in TV is total different from our reality. In TV the bad people always go to the jail and the good people always win. But in normal life it isn't so nice. Bad people not always go to jail and often they have the real power. It's sad.

  11. If you like it or not, everything that you do in daily activities, is impacted by law. We need to fear the law and remmeber that law doesn't only punishing people but also gives a lot of freedom and protection for them. Showing the law at work in TV is good for general prevention. It's good for our poor education of law.

  12. Problem is consisting of the fact, that reality is totally diferent from law and order. First of all, evil always is going to be punished. Secondly (mainly), problems and crimes which are showing, are unreal - reality is so normal :D

  13. In my opinion law is very necessary and dependable. People are need ruls which they observe, hey are need protection. Everyone should feel safe. But it is difficoult becouse always will be someone who is bad.

    But in TV serials about lawyers show life where bad guy go to jail, lawyers find the whole truth, and everything is finish good. Real life is different than serial life.

  14. It is often said that most games are a doctor who heals and saves lives, a teacher who educates future generations and the lawyer who makes sure that the country had followed the law. I think that is true, but the reality shown in the series about doctors and lawyers is distorted to dramatize the action. I'm surprised people who believe in what he will watch the series, it is common in Polish homes. This is a very sad phenomenon.
