Friday 20 February 2009, retrieved 21.02.2009

People can lie. This simple truth explains how important is ability to discover lie. There are many different ways to identify cram. I present some helpful instruction below. You have to know that this tool is only a proposition. Much more effective can be confidence in your own feelings and observations.

How to Detect Lies

Watching facial expressions in order to determine whether a person is lying might just save you from being a victim of fraud, or it could help you figure out when somebody's being genuine. Jury analysts do this when assisting in jury selection. The police do this during an interrogation. You have to learn the little facial and body expressions that can help you distinguish a lie from the truth.

1. Observe how the person smiles.
2. Notice the behavior of other body parts. 
3. Look out for microexpressions. 
4. Watch their eyes. 
5. Check for sweating. 
6. Mind exaggerated details. 
7. Notice the person's eye movements. 
8. Be sensitive to the person's emotional expression
9. Listen for a subtle delay in responses to questions. 
10. Avoiding direct statements or answers
11. Speaking excessively in an effort to convince
12. Speaking in a monotonous tone
13. Leaving out pronouns (he, she, it, etc.)
14. Speaking in muddled sentences
15. Equivocation or "Non-Answers". 
16. Using humor and sarcasm to avoid the subject
17. Allow silence to enter the conversation. 
18. Change the subject quickly. 
19. Watch his or her throat, retrieved 21.02.2009
Do You have your own method to discover lies? Is it a possibility to lie and to keep it secret? 


  1. It's very interesting especially for somebody who likes to do sth for his self. I am not this kind of person so I rather will take advantages from your list. However, Do we really need lies-dedector in our live...?

  2. I think, sometimes we can use only our intuition to estimate if somebody lie. Of course, intuiton read from body moving, so Your list can be very usefull to improve intuition. Lies-detector is also very interesting but I'm not good in technical works... ;)

  3. I agree with Karolina, in the majority of cases we relay on our intuition and on the sings that our interlocutor transfer by his facial and body expression. Your list seems to put together all the most important points, but will this list be ever exhausted...?
    About lies-detector, I don't have any opinion, I've never had an occasion to see or use it and I'm not really convinced about it.

  4. I'm also not a supporter of lies-detector, except of when it is helpfull in police work. I think that this list is very interesting but just in theory. When I still believe in people and I would not want to talk to anyone and watch him very carefully still wondering is he lying to me.

  5. In my opinion this list can be very useful, in our life we meet “permanent” liars very often, so we should be prepared how to recognize them. For me the instruction how to make the Lie Detector is really fascinating, but I don't think I would be able to do it by myself.
    I agree with your statement that “a lie is always a lie” but I can’t say that I condemn every person who has whenever lied in his life, because sometimes I also can’t avoid little inadvertent lies.

  6. I think that we can see when someone is lying, then liars look around ( not straight into eyes ), be nervous , gesticulate during conversation, they speak several times about this same things... For me to be a good observer is better than any kind of machine, which can discaver the lies.

  7. Some people are slower thinkers then others, or honestly do have a hard time remembering
    therefore look down when thinking of words to say, then look at you when saying the word. I think it
    could be more in the eyes! When someone is talking to you, notice if they glance left or right more
    then the other. If their eyes shift to their right, their using the left part of the brain (logic, detail,
    words, present n past, acknowledgement, reality based) which is more truthful.

  8. For me is rather simple to discover when somebody is lying. Maybe it is my feminine intuition or quite good knowledge of psychology, because i am personally very interested in it. Probably it is very easy to discover when I lie because simply I can't lie:it is visible in my look, heard in my voice, seen in my nervous movements. I am not a good actress,oh no. I think that a good observer is better than any lie detector.

  9. Personally I find myself unable to recognise if someone is lying. I simply to naive and I usually dont care if what other people are saying is true. I also dont believe in truth telling machine, they are proved to be wrong so many times.

  10. If somebody is lying we can not only see that but also feel that. When somebody is lying she never look at person whuch is she speaking too, making nervous moves, have problems with cleary speaking. It is better to observe person, the whole situation thatn use a michine which can be broken. Our intuitions is the best think too find out if somebody is lying

  11. What about people who don't make suspicious moves? I don't belief in such a thing. When someone want to lie, he do it but there is one proverb "Lies has a short legs" so there is a big hope that lie get out.

  12. Dr. House is right. Everybody lies, but discovere that soomeone is lying right now isn't so easy. When liar is smart person it is very hard to prove that he put us on. So if our friends are only smart guys we have a problem, because we never know if they lie or not.
