Sunday 22 February 2009

What is a lie?

The most simple answer is: A lie is a statement that isn’t true, so a lie is an opposite to the truth. Following the St. Augustin we can although say: a person is to be judged as lying or not lying according to the intention in his own mind, not according to the truth or falsity of the statement. Those are the most popular definition of a word " lie". For ages people have wondered why people are telling lies. In my opinion there are two really simple answers. First is -people lie because they are afraid of telling truth. They did something bad or conducted immorally and now they are anxious about the consequences or particularly do something bad to done some damage to other people. Second reason is - people lie in good intentions for example to not hurt somebody or somebody's feelings. We can say that lie has disadvantages and also advantages., retrieved 22.02.2009

First disadvantage and in my opinion extremely big is that lying can hurt other people. We can hurt our relatives, our best friend, people we need and care. If we do that consiously, it means that we have a really awful character. And we not deserve to have a friends.
Second flaw is that lying cause lack of trust between people. Also cause that people are not able to trust somebody in the future. It might change theirs lives because have an influence on decisions that they will make. The simplest example is lack of trust in relationship with partner or with friend. People who had been hurt in past, have problems with building a really strong and long relationship. They might be lonely until the end. retrieved 22.02.2009

Furthermore, people who lies extremely often feel bad with this, and have stings of remorse. It cause that this people are not confidence, they feel sad and exhausted. All the time the live with a problem that they can not handle. It is lie. Also they often spend life in horrible loneliness.
On the other hand, sometimes people lie in good faith, to do not hurt somebody. It is often call white lies. For example a really little lie in a relationship, which can't hurt anyone. Second example can be a children lie. I think that it is the most innocent lie. Because children don't know which way is good or bad. And it is our obligation to teach them how to distinguish between good and bad. retrieved 22.02.2009

To submit, in my opinion lying is the most cruel thing that people can do. It doesn't matter if we lie in good intentions or bad. Lie is a lie and is always bad. We have known it for ages but constantly we can't learn this. I look with hope in future and have faith that someday human generation will be able to live in world of truth with no lies. retrieved 22.02.2009


  1. I think that people which can lying has inferiority complex. This people can't say truth becouse he/ she affraids that another people won't accep this person. Blogger (Damina) have right that liyng can hurt our friend.

  2. I think that you are right that liyng is no good for our relationships with other people. But on the other hand I can't imagine world without liyng. We sometimes lie because we don't want to hurt enybody for example we dont't say about very dangerous disease like cancer. It doesn't mean that liyng is good but sometimes is helpful.

  3. I agre with you that liying isn't good in our relationships. We lie to feel better, to show that we are someone another than in reality to equal social standards because we feel that we are worst than another. We lie for our confidence but we don't remember that someone else from who we want to impress also can liying.In cause of that peoples move away from others.

  4. In my opinion people which lying do not feel good in our society... they don't know when they really tell truth and when they are laying... The liars need more attention from people and they want to be someone another, maybe someone better for they own. Personally I hate liars !!

  5. Well, everyone has lied once, laying it's part of human nature. But in normal situation we should have reproach to ourself, we feel bad with lies. However sometimes people don't worry about this and lies more. They will do it until somebody discover the true...

  6. Lying can destroy lives, relationships. marriages, careers, and last but not least, families. This is so true :/ A lie is a bad business practice, no matter how you look at it. Integrity is crucial. It’s sad that more people don’t realize this.

  7. Of course everybody sometimes lie, but all difficult is try to live without say lies. I always advaised my friends to say truth, becouse truth which even can hurt is more easy to forgive, than lie.

  8. We are only people, and in my opinion in people predominates dark side of our nature:) Apparently we love colour our reality because we suffer in our grey world. Unfortunately, lies rather not fix it but destroy. Destroy relations between people, diminish reliance, distort perception. Personally I am an admirer of (even the worst) truth, always.

  9. What about legal consequences of lying ?
    Do you know that court of appeal in Itlay has decided to approve lying when you want to hide your romance? ;),86764,5007840.html. In my opinion, apart from social costs, that decision brings harmful example
    for legislative actions. What's more important, everyone is able to lie based on that judegemnet and feel unpunished !

  10. I can't imagine world without lie and I think that it's very helpful. For example when we dont't say something, because we don't wont hurt somebody. I also think that everybody sometimes lie and it's just our people's nature...

  11. I think very similar to you that lie is the worst thing comitted for people . But lie is a deeply rooted to human nature , so unfortunetely we wouldn't uproot lie

  12. For me I regret being so sincere person. I always tell the truth and you must believe me :sometimes this is really not the thing you should do.

  13. I think that lies can destroy our lives, relationships with people because no one want to be fool, it's not nice. I agree with old polish byword: that better is the worst truth than the best lie.

  14. Always tell the truth is very difficult. There is some kind of lies that is permitted. This is white lies. Maybe it's good sometimes but the real lies is something very bad. When you lie in that way you can hurt someone and destroy relationship.

  15. Everybody lied, lies and will be lying. It’s a part of our life. We use lie to make somebody believe that’s something which isn’t true is true. It can concern a small thing or a really important case. Theoretically, all kinds of lies are forbidden by the law, but practically the first one is accepted and commonely used by all people. We use it in the order to do not hurt our friends or familly. I thing sometimes, is better to do not know all the truth.

  16. Probably most of people lies if only have chance to do it. Lies is part of our lifes which make it easier or sometimes make it even more complicated we could imagine. Every time we decide to lie and cerate our artificial world we take a chance that nobody will discovere the truth. So we shouldn't do it frequently, but whant something is worth it we should try.

  17. I don't tolerate lies. But sometimes, somebody lie because for example he want to protect from something second person. But generally, I think that lies destroy relationship between people.

  18. I don't like lies people, but sometimes in some specific situations some people have to lie. For eg. police officer can't talk about everyting what hapepened in his work and in that type of situation I understand lying people.
