Thursday 26 February 2009

What is a laughter ?

Laughter is an audible expression (written as ha ha ha or lol :) ), or appearance of merriment or happiness, or an inward feeling of joy and pleasure (laughing on the inside). It may ensue (as a physiological reaction) from jokes, tickling, and other stimuli. Inhaling nitrous oxide can also induce laughter; other drugs, such as cannabis, can also induce episodes of strong laughter. Strong laughter can sometimes bring an onset of tears or even moderate muscular pain.
Laughter is a part of
human behaviour regulated by the brain. It helps humans clarify their intentions in social interaction and provides an emotional context to conversations. Laughter is used as a signal for being part of a group — it signals acceptance and positive interactions with others. Laughter is sometimes seemingly contagious, and the laughter of one person can itself provoke laughter from others as a positive feedback.[1] An extreme case of this is the Tanganyika laughter epidemic. This may account in part for the popularity of laugh tracks in situation comedy television shows.
The study of humor and laughter, and its psychological and physiological effects on the human body is called

Health benefits from laughting:

Doctors are of opinion that laughing :

1) brings about the secretion of endorphins into blood. More than that, it is known that laughing is a strong muscle-relaxing method, which also relieves pain.
2) laughter can be called "inner jogging", because similar to morning jogging, the blood pressure increases and then it gradually lowers till it gets lower than the initial blood pressure.
3) laughter is considered to be a method of fighting stress (it inhibits the secretion of 4 main stress hormones). Recently, Japanese scientists discovered that laughing directly influences glucose level in blood. 4) Greek researchers have found through an experiment that 10-15 minutes of laughing burn from 10 to 40 calories, which leads to a weight loss of almost 4.5 lb (2 kg) per year.

Do you think that laughting is good for your health ?


  1. Yes, laughing also has several health benefits, it has been shown in lab studies that people who generally laugh more are also more healthy.
    Some of the known effects are lowering stress, and giving a temporary boost to your immune system. When we laughting we feel better:)

  2. I can't live without laughter. I always find things I laugh at them, even at myself. When people laugh, the feel lucky, when they feel lucky - they have got willingness to live, so it is only good. Our life is too short to live it beeing bitter, cynical or sad. Optimistic attitude makes miracles. And lenghtens life, I believe.

  3. Laughter is important part of my live. I can't imagination word without it. It's not only your health but it facilitate your live. Perhaps when the situation is tenseness laugh can defuse it. There is another important adequacy of laugh. When a girls smile or laugh she become more beautiful.

  4. I tried to remind day without laughter during last few months and I didn't notice it. Day out of laughter is bad day. Life is so amazingly that we always will find something witch makes us happy. The most important advantages of laughter is that when you are laughing you are happy, everything can be easier you have power to solve your daily problems.

  5. I also think that the laughter is one of the most important parts of my life. In my opinion it often gives meaning to our life, especially when we are sad or angry. When we start laughing everything is changing, our mood can change in one minute thanks to it. I'm still impressed by health's benefits which the laughter can bring. If I can be honest, I didn't know that there are so many advantages from laughing. So... I'm going to do it more often!

  6. I belive that laughter can be very good for our health. It helps us forget about our problems and pain and makes all of our problems disappear. We should laught more and make more other people smile :)

  7. Laughter in human phisoilogy is a expression o face. In addition we 're laughting our brains extrecte endorfin which reduce physical and psyhological pain so laughter gave us sense of satisfaction and enhance our inmmunity

  8. I think that laughter is realy important in our life. First of all laughter connects us with others. Going to a movie or comedy club with friends is a great way to feel good. People who have sense of humor have more friends and they feel good in society. I can't imagine my life without laughter. It make me happy:)

  9. If people laught, they are happy. We should make jokes, smile to others, then we will have a lot of friends, and feel better. I love laught with my friends and family :)

  10. I believe that if people can get more laughter in their lives, they are a lot better off.Laughter is a way we can be a part of a group and it can make us feel more comfortable with others. Laughter stops us feeling stressed and leads to our bodies working better and feeling relaxed. Researchers have found that laughter can also help our immune system work better, and this means that we can fight diseases better.

  11. I think it's not good to have huge smile on your face. People wont treat you serious then. But it is important to laughter, it helps us to overcome our problems

  12. I think that laughetr can help us in not good situation or when we want to forget about problems. Laughter is also very healthy. I read somewhere that people which have mental problems are going to a Laughter therapy and it wokrs!

  13. In my opinion laughter is really important in our life. When we are happy everything looks better, our mood is better. We want to do more things, and we are full of energy. But on the other hand I think that we can't exaggerate. Sometimes we have to be serious and laughter is extremely inappropriate

  14. Laughter, as it was already said, is an important part of our life. We're laughing every day and the things that are making us laugh are countless. They depends on our age, sexe, education, place where we're living, even on our hair color (some blondes are offended by the jokes about stupid blonde girls while brunettes have nothing against:)). Laughter make us relaxe and make repose our mind. The day without laughter is always a bad day!:)

  15. Laughter is very important. I can't imagine life without the laughter. It helped us with problems, is healthy, sometimes can be theraphy. When we happy world looks better.

  16. I agree with everybody, I also think that the laughter is very important in everyday live. The laugh give us positive energy and positive view of live. We should laugh every time when we can becouse it very healthy too.
