Thursday 5 March 2009

Body Language retrieved 5.03.09

Emotional feelings, instead of finding expression and discharge in the symbolic use of words and appropriate behavior must be conceived as being translated into a kind of “organ language.” - Past Maclean, M.D.

What messages are you sending? Make sure you are sending the right signals. Your voice, expressions, behaviour and movement can say a lot about your attitude. Are people being straight up or is there more to it that’s not being said. Watch, look, observe. Sometimes you can tell more by a person’s body language than the words they speak.

One of the most effective forms of communication involves nothing more than the contraction of facial muscles. Everyone understands what a smile means; or a frown. In fact, it has been shown that facial expressions can be recognised across countries, regardless of language or culture. Something as simple as a hug can ‘speak’ volumes about how much we care for someone. Who needs ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when a movement of the head does the trick? These basic examples show just how powerful body language can be. If we understand how to read and use body language then we can see why it is not always a bad thing to be lost for words. retrieved 5.03.09

Reading body language is a great skill which helps you to understand how people consciously and unconsciously signal their attitudes, desires and innermost feelings with their bodies and actions, often which is more strongly conveyed by their body language than with their words.Here are some easy tips on reading a person's behaviour and habits and how to understand the personality of an individual just by keeping an eye on his or her body language: (click on the picture to enlarge) retrieved 5.03.09


  1. People have known about body language for ages. Many psychologists work on it. It seems to me that knowing secrets of the science would bring a lot of benefits. We wouldn’t have problems with communication if we knew the body language very well. The communication would seem to be easier.

  2. Understanding of body language helps us to read behaviour, intentions of our interlocutors. Therefore it is really useful and makes our communication easier and more 'transparent'.Indeed all people are very similar to each other and their reactions could be really readable.

  3. Ithink, knowing body language can be very usefull. We can "read" onother person, and we ewen don't have to talk with them...

  4. Body language is very usefull. You see someone and you decide if you want to speak with him. When you know about this you can't mistake to choose friends

  5. body language is helpfull when youmake a speech, don't know person ( only listen ), also when you speak only a little foreign language and you are abroad - then body language can be very usefull.

  6. I think that body landuge is most important for people who work with anoter people. Body language can be very usefull becouse our interlocutors should more standing. We can also make a more emotions.

  7. I think that body lagnuage is an important part of communication. When we are in other country and we don't know language- it is really necessery. What is more body language help us to show our emotions. But on the other hand sometimes we cannot understand signals which send other people. It can lead to mistake.

  8. I agree with others that knowledge of body language can be very helpful. In my opinion using this not only in contacts with foreigners, but also in relations with people who we understand very well (as we think), can bring us many benefits, we are able to see much more things and emotions about which many people don't want to talk, but they are unwittingly shown by their body language.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. In my opinion body language is one of the most important tools in communication between people. It would be really difficult to understand other peoples' intentions without it. It is also a way of expressing our emotions that makes it possible to to communicate with people from other cultures, because some of the gestures are all over the world the same.

  11. in mu opinion body language is very important nowadays. Sometimes body language is the only way to understand other people, see their feelings, moods. Also using body language we can show other people our feeling, we can show that something is ok or it doesn't work

  12. Body language plays an important role in working world. The way you dress sends a message to other people who work with you.
    It's important to show respect for your working partner by suitable clothes. Each one of us dresses express our feelings and
    judging people by how they dress is a norm of daily life, everyone of us do that.

  13. Body language is a very interesting subject. Reading more about it we can learn how to use it more concious. It would be helpful in both: private and professional life. But we have to be very careful! We can say that body language is international because all people react in the same way but on the other hand we have to know that gestures don't mean the same in all countries!

  14. After reading thie article I'm convinced that body language is drool. I don't bealive that somebody can read all infromation about me from my gesture. It is only another way to earn a lot of money. You should write a book about body langugae and most of people bealive that you are expert in that subject and will buy it.

  15. Speaking isn't the most important way to communicate in my opionion. People show more things, that we thinking! Sometimes, we can not found good word to explain our thoughts, we have to use body language. This is very important when we are in foregin country and we don't know language.

  16. Body language is an important part of communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating. If you wish to communicate well, then it makes sense to understand how you can (and cannot) use your body to say what you mean.

  17. Body language is very useful in usual life, right. But we shouldn't forget about that not every sign is truly recognize. Take distance of them. Take distance.

  18. The good known of body language is really useful when we talk to somebody who we don't no so good. During observing this person we could know how he/she is disposed to us. And I agree with MAciekL, it's a basic thing to take distance to how somebodys "play" with his body language.

  19. According to the research undertaken by Albert Mehrabian, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, UCLA (which is cited till now) the impact of a performance is determined 7 percent by the words used, 38 percent by voice quality, and 55 percent by the nonverbal communication. It proves very clearly the importance of body language. we use it every day, without even realising it. That's way if we want to want to mask our feelings, we have to pay attention to our nonverbal behavior, because we can have our voice and words under control, but our body language including the tiniest facial expressions and movement can give our true thoughts and feelings away.

  20. At present body language is realy important in relation with another peoples.It's one of the way to understand anotherone, to guess they feelings and emotions.We also use it to show our attitude to anothers or our mood. But it can also disclose some feelings which we want to hide (for exemple fear or nervousness). However we must remember that it's easy to read body language in a wrong way.

  21. Body language is very important specially for person who don't hear. They can read body language which very help them to understand other people.

  22. I think body language is very important in communication between people. But I think it's completely under control of our subconciensce. We cannot analise what we receive and we cannot control what we broadcast in body language.

  23. Without body language we haven't conversation. Did you see a profesor who talks without gesticulation? :) Gesticulation helps us thinkig and help another person to understand us. For example when I talk with foreign tourist always I gesticulate. Im sure that this person know what I "say" :).
    The best thing in body language? We can show someone what we fell, eg. funny, sadness or love, without words.

  24. I think that conversation can't exist without body language. We show so many emotions with our hands, body and face and We couldn't expres them without using body language. But on the other hand body language is our most dengerous enemy- we couldn't control our emotions and feelings. And our body always reveal our truth intentions and feelings.

  25. In my opinion body language is inseparable with ours speaking. The gesture means a lot of , for example man who learn in pick up school learn also body language which is one of most important thing when man pick up women ,he must be have a good gesture and must be good in body language if he want reaches a target

  26. I think that body language show to us true emotion of our friend when we talk with him about his problems. If we know his reactions, we can help him better.

  27. About body language there is a lot of materials and publication todays. It is known, that nowadays this issue is very important - we know about consequences of body language and we know how we should behavior for the purpose.
