Thursday 12 March 2009

Making communication

Communication is the most popular use of the Internet, with email topping the list of all the technologies used. Some of the types of communication technologies used also include email discussion groups, Usenet news, chat groups, and IRC. These are unique to networked computer environments and have come into wide popularity because of the Internet. Other technologies, including video and audio conferencing and Internet telephony, are also available on the Internet. They require more multimedia capabilities of computer systems and are more taxing of network resources than the others. They also are adaptations of other technologies to the Internet.

Most of the technologies that are unique to the Internet require communication to be done in text—letters with some symbols and punctuation. Communicatin effectively involves taking the time, except in informal communications, to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation and writing an appropriate message. When replying to a message include the pertinent parts of the message and use an appropriate and interesting subject header in any case.


-When you’re communicating on the Internet take special care not to give out personal information to strangers and to treat others with respect. Be aware of the risks involved in communicating with people you cannot see and may never meet in person.
- Take time to consider what you write to others, and be careful to avoid humor and sarcasm except with the best of friends.
- You can’t assume that your messages are private, so be careful about what you write.


Ten years ago, e-mails were not very known in our homes, but only in bigger Companies. Our grandmothers, aunts, even mothers communicated with people from other cities by letters. So why now, in XXI century, we – young people, do not know what is better? Let’s see.

-Time is very important for us, sometimes we haven’t got it too much. We can send an e–mail at a time which suits us. We do not have to worry about formal style or grammar.

-Next argument is that we know immediately what it is about from the ‘Subject’ box. We can also send a movie or mp3 in e-mail like an attachment.

-However not everyone checks their ‘Inbox’ regularly so they may miss an important messages [sometimes we can unfortunately delete messages]. And nobody cares about correct spelling. How we hate reading wrong written messages.

-Although almost everyone has Internet, letters are not dead. It is so nice to open a drawer and find old letter from best friend or family. We also learn how to good write in our language, develop spelling.

-Other is one important point, letters will not die, never, because people will remember about them.
-On the other hand, we have to write very clearly so that our friend could read what we had written before. Than we have to go to a Post office, to send it. And we know, how lazy we are.
On balance, I would say that e-mail is a good invention, nevertheless letters are very old form to communicate with somebody else from other city, even country. E-mails will never replace traditional letters. They are just another electronic newness.


  1. Communication via the internet is really comfortable and useful in many aspects which you count. Really important is security programm which we have. Electronic safety is a basic thing in our world.

  2. Nowadays, internet gives us a lot of ways to communicate with other people: this witch we known but also this form other part of the world witch we probably won't know. That's the reason why we really should to be careful witch our personal data. There are a lot of hackers in the net, witch want to break in to our computer to get informations. The greatest solution is security programs witch protect us from invited guest.

  3. Thees days internet give us a lots of possibility. We can speak with people from the onther countries without know them. We can send e-mails to people in other time-zone and have sureness that this person will have it. But also we must be careful. We mostly of the time don't know with whom we speak to. That might be dangerous for us because this person can send us a virus which can infect ours computers. Co the best thig we can do id too use security programs

  4. Nowadays Internet is the most fast and simply road of comunicate. I like use via Iternet to send photos and anoter file but the most love I like write and read... snail mail becouse I can look hand writing and emotions my friend who write to me.

  5. I think that it is very important to remember about those threats in the net which you have written above. I also often communicate via the Internet, just like others. It is very fast and cheap way of communication and what is the most important it enables to stay in contact with friends or even strangers all over the world.

  6. I think the main role of internet is to assure an effective communication. We communicate not only by using chats or e-mails but also simply by posting articles or sending films. To be frank, each activity in the net contains an information which can be read by everyone. And this is, I think, a big disadvantage of internet. If somebody has a knowledge and really wants to, he can come at every information, even this really personal. So we should think twice with which information about us we want to go public before we do it. After, there's no going back.

  7. The Internet is the future of the world, so we can't look back but we have to look into the future. That's why using of traditional letters will be limited or even wholly replaced by e-mails.
    Personally, I can't imagine my life without the Internet as a mean of communication. It is one of the basic tools to be in touch with my mates. But I also use it to communicate with my e-learning teachers, bank workers, library workers and so on.
    It can be a bit dangerous for us, but if we know how to behave correctly using the Interent, I'm pretty sure we can sleep calmly.

  8. I was really interested the text about e-mail. I remember I wrote snail mail about 4 years ago. In fact that way of communication is really nice. You can choose special paper, you can draw something small on it, and what important you have some special contact with other person. You see his style of write, and you can imagine if he wrote quick, or spend a some time on writing because letters are careful. I think if we want write about real feelings we should choose snail mail. It can be beautiful keepsake.

  9. I can't imagine my world without Internet. Maybe some years ago I could, but now it's impossible. I don't remember, really, when I wrote snail mail, it was about ten years ago? Today I use only e-mails, but I miss these real letters. Simultaneously I know that Internet gives me lots of possibilities, although it is less 'human' tool of communication.

  10. Nowadays we can't imagine life without internet. Internet gives us a lot of possibilitis. We are writting e-mail, reding news, watching films, listenig music and finding some informations ( we can do there almost everything).Today I don't remember when I wrote snail mail but I know that it was long time ago. We can get to know peoples from another part of the world or those who share our interest or only express our opinion. Internet open us on peoples and the world.

  11. Internet gives us possibilities to communicate with people all around the world in a very fast, easy and cheap way. It's very helpful in everyday life when we don't have time to write a letter to our friends in, for example, Australia and waite for their reply or enought money to call them.
    But personally I prefere traditional ways of communications with people who are close to me. Meeting them and talking face to face is never a waste of time.

  12. The internet opens many channels of communication such as voting in some country. Internet increase involvement in the
    civil society, offering different perspectives and learning tolarance. The Internet is also way to find our school mate
    or people we know but now we do not have address or phone number to them. With the POWERS of the internet we can
    refresh our relationship.

  13. We lives in 21st century so we should new technology way of communication. People've invited the Internet to make life more comfortable and we only must tap this possibility. Traditional letter is history. Today we use it only to send romantic declaration to our girlfrinds.

  14. I think that writing E-mails is more convenience. We can send and receive them at the time which suits us.What is more, we do not have to worry about formal style. It is also quickly. We don't have to go to the post, we can send message in few seconds. It's great idea for people who don't have time and for lazy people:)

  15. In my opinion nowadays people can't live without Internet, e-mail. It makes that lives is simple and more confortable. At present time we don't get a job if we don't have a e-mail.

  16. In my opinion the internet is a very usefull for everyone. There we can find a lot off diffirent things which can help us in our every day life : at work, in school, to find same information, to talk with friends, to play the games or just relax by serving the internet... Nowadays we can use the internet practically everywere.But it also has disadvantages. For example it is dangerous for children, who spend too much time serving the internet and play in bloody game or czat with unknown person... The internet take away a lot off our time...For aur parents the intrent could be a little bit difficult to serve.

  17. I think it was really interested the text about e-mail. The Internet is the future of the world. When you’re communicating on the Internet take special care not to give out personal information to strangers and to treat others with respect. Be aware of the risks involved in communicating with people you cannot see and may never meet in person. Take time to consider what you write to others, and be careful to avoid humor and sarcasm except with the best of friends. You can’t assume that your messages are private, so be careful about what you write.

  18. Internet revolutionalized the way we communicate. Perfect example is this course. But not only education - decade ago I would be definitely not able to do video phonecalls to a friend in Madrid or navigate through the web in Beirut. It really helped me a lot.

  19. People often are moving out, but rarely change an e-mail adress. We write, when we have time and we don't have to go to the post office. It is very helpful. But, unfortunately, I think the traditional letters will die in future. WHen we will grandparents our grandsons and granddauthers will call us or write... e-mails. We don't imagine our life without Internet and communication via it, so, In my opinion, it won't change in future. Now childrens have problems with hand-write, becouse they write ONLY in computers!

  20. Communication by internet it's good solution. Thanks to it our live is more easy. We can meet a lot of poeple and make a friendship. We must be very cautious because we can also meet dangerous people who want to hurt us.

  21. I think that internet is the easiest way of communication. Internet is almost everywhere ( except some cases), so we can be "on-line" all the time. Nowadays internet is always a cheap way of communication. Our phone bills are also higher. And sending a letter is not as cheap a it was 10 days ago. But internet has bad sides too. Children spend a lot of time behind the computer, talking to everyone, and sometimes it is really dengerous. Finally I don't miss traditional letter becouse I never was good in it.

  22. Internet communication is a best tool i our times to communicate. Mostly everybody of us have a own computer, many people use a laptops. Communication via internet nothing cost , is fast , usually safe and it's have many quite useful option.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Inernet communication is very important for me. I can contact with my friends, family or teachers. Internet is "window at world" for many people. Today, E-mail or Instant Messengers are important tools for communication between people.

  25. Communication via internet is very comfortable way to contact with other person. You can contact with your friends, meet a new people and discuss with people from all the world. But there are also negative points of communication via internet. You can meet a cheater in internet , so you shouldn't give any important information about you in internet. It can be very dangerous.
