Wednesday 18 March 2009

Making Contact (sms and e-mail)

SMS-Advantages and Disadvantages

SMS is technology that contributed varied beneficial services to the world and is used in different applications. These applications include business and trade, ebanking, as well as social and spiritual applications.

Indeed, mobile phones have made tremendous contributions to society and to mankind. From its inception as a tool of communication used only by deaf or hearing impaired individuals, SMS or Short Messaging Service had turned into a very powerful means of communication. Also, SMS had made the world smaller and much better as people rapidly gain access to mobile phones. Moreover, it created a new way of system of communication all together.

SMS Applications and Advantages:

SMS has countless contributions to the worlds and let's discuss some of them.

• Banking. SMS had contributed so much in terms of transactions like depositing and withdrawing money. Instead of people going to the banks to transact, the latter had instituted various ways so that the customers can perform bank transactions through short messaging service. This makes them complete their financial transactions with out leaving their offices and or their homes.

• Social Aspect. SMS has made old acquaintances and family members become continually in touch.

• Business. SMS allows for the sales and purchase of goods easier. By just sending and receiving text messages, both buyers and vendors of products need not have to meet face-to-face when trading.

• Spiritual Aspect. In religion and beliefs, SMS too had played a significant role in propagating the faith and inspiring the weary soul. Bible verses were now sent through text messages.

SMS Disadvantages:

Like any other technological advances, SMS has its own share of disadvantages. First of all, it is being used by unscrupulous people to blackmail others. Some crooked group of people will send you text messages stating that you have allegedly won in a lottery or promos. Then you'll find out that the aforementioned were not true and will only bribe you some amount of money.
SMS has made some families disintegrate in one way or another. Husbands and wives can be occupied sending text messages to some friends or colleagues. Rather than talking to one another and their children, they'll usually pick up the cell phone and text or play games. Likewise, children are communicating to their peers most often using text messages and lose quality time interacting with their parents. Sadly, their interaction, communication, and even relationship are endangered. Some users also became addicted to Short Messaging System.

Nevertheless, all is not yet lost in terms of getting the full potential of this new messaging tool. We only have to apply it in the way that we can maximize its usage and services. Sending scams, blackmails, and others with the same evil motives should be stopped at once. We can all start sending good and inspiring messages that will enable others to be uplifted and inspired to do what is right. We should not forget to interact with other individuals, as well. While SMS is a great help in communicating to people, face-to-face interaction should not be put aside. Technology like this is beneficial, but abusing it will ruin its true purpose and functions as to why it is invented in the first place.

Using Email Eff


Email is an effective means of communication for business and personal use but it also has some disadvantages.
Firstly, the advantages are;
email is effective in providing quick answers to yes and no, type questions. eg. Do you do international delivery?
Email is effective in finding the right person in an organisation or company to answer your question.
Email is good to make appointments for busy people.
Email can distribute information quickly to many people for the time it takes to email one person.

The disadvantages are;
Email can become timeconsuming for answering complicated questions and misunderstandings can arise because cultural differences in the interpretation of certain words. The telephone, is much better for providing detailed answers or if you feel that the question is not absolutely clear.
Email can compromise the security of an organisation because sensitive information can be easily distributed accidently or deliberately. Email should be entrusted to well trained and trusted staff members.
Email can become impersonal or misunderstood.

Using business email
More and more individuals are receiving more emails than they can digest and because it is physically more difficult to read on a computer screen, email writing is different from other styles of letter writing.
In business it is important that emails do not become so burdensome, that more time is spent answering email that doing work. Emails must be prioritized, and accurate subject lines chosen. Skimming emails is common, so make sure that the major point in your email is handled first. Make a decision whether it is best to divide the email into multiple emails with different subject lines, because this is often easier and quickier to reply to.

Use of Mailing Lists
Email is a highly effective medium of communication but a wise company needs to treat the recipient like a person not a number on a mailing list. Email needs to be personal or else it is regarded as SPAM and sent off to the recycling bin or blocked by the customer.
SPAM is unsolicited mail. Because it is easy and inexpensive to send email, it is also easy and inexpensive to send junk email.
Just because a person joins your mailing list does not necessarily mean that he or she wants to be bombarded with useless information or made feel as you are using the mailing list purely for profit.
Email can look really impressive by adopting a brochure format, but unless the pictures are there for a reason and the email engages the reader by providing useful information, then it is better to send a text based email. If you need to display products, then a link inside an email to the page on your web site where the product is displayed is in my opinion a better option. This leads the person back to your web site. An email formatted like a brochure is uninviting because it resembles advertising but by providing a link, you are giving the customer a choice to view your product. This empowerment is the difference between informative email and advertising. Informative email is inviting, email that resembles advertising is pushy.
Email needs to tread the line of being personal yet business like. It is a way of building good customer relationships.
Email used well can make people feel as though they matter.
Relationships are the key to any business and it can make for a rewarding experience.
If the desire is to serve the customer, you will certainly be well in front of your competition by responding to every email, promptly and politely.

In connection with this presentation I would like to ask a two question about sms and e-mails (to choose)
1 In what kind of situation you use e-mails more often than sms?
2 What do you think about the future of textual communication? Are sms and e-mails have a chance in competition with cell phones or video communication?


  1. As you write there are advantages and disadvantages of using e mails, but I rather think that mail is the very helpful device of communication. Especially it is really useful in sending information to many people. Of course you can do the same by sms but email is cheaper and it include more information. And that's one of this situation when i use email often than sms. I also choose email when I want to write to fried who is studying abroad, and phone call is very expensive.

  2. According to the text I have nothing important to say, but I could turn your attention for communications programs like gadu-gadu, in Poland, and much more in other countries.
    It is very useful and efficency replacement for traditional ways of communicate with other people. These programs offers us advatages from emails and sms - makes possibility to conversation in real time (sms), and gratuitous and huge way of communication like we could see in emails.

  3. I use e-mail only when I want write long messege. In other situation I usually use sms. I think, in the future global messenger programs like for example windows live messenger will develop. We can talk with people from over the world. In my opinion sms will be still important part of our life, becouse we can use it when we aren't at home and need to send short information.

  4. I think that emails and sms are learn us how are we write short mesage. According to me we should to can to get meritum information. I usualy use Internet and sma when I would like making contact fast.
    I never saw disadvantages of using e mails and anoter for comunications programs.

  5. I use e-mail often but sms is very important when I need somethink in very short time. I don't know when someone pick up my e-mail. We must remember that there is many situation when sms or e-mail can insult. I was dissatisfied when my friend send me sms 'Happy Birthday'. There are some situation when we should talk personally or make a phone.

  6. Personally I believe that e-mails and short messages are very useful devices that can be helpful in many situations. They allow us to be in touch with people from the whole world and they are much cheaper than traditional ways of communicating like phones. E-mails are also very useful at work because they make it possible to send very long messages with analyses, articles and other documents containing thousands of pages. Sms on the other hand allow us to communicate when we cannot speak loudly or don't want that people around us hear our talk.
    After all, I don't fear that such devices are replacing traditional meetings and talks face to face, because we are just people and we really need the feeling of someone's being near us.

  7. Nowadays we live in a such rush that for some of us is normal to communicate by sms or e-mail. Thees are the fastest ways of communication. Sms and e-mail are very helpful in daily life and it's not strange that now people send to each other "Happy Birthday" by sms or e-mail. This is our life and it won't go back to the old-fashion ways.

  8. I think that sms and mails help us a lot in our everyday communication. There's no doubt that it is a very cheap, easy and fast way. But on the other hand I think that we should be very careful when we're writing something important in mail or sms or when we are writing to someone important. Sometimes words that we are writing sound good for us but someone else can find the other meaning for them. So we should always be sure that our information was clear for a reader.

  9. Personally I prefer textual informations than cell phones or video communication. It is easier way of communication for me. I use cell phone only when I need contact with somebody very fast. When I want to tell something very important, for example greetings - I think that nothing could replace communication face to face.

  10. It's another way to make our life easier if we use it wisely. E-mails and text messages are such comon that almost everybody use it, but I agree with opinion that in some situation we should choose diffrent way of communication. Sometimes it's hard to say what is approriate, but if we have common sense our mobiel phone will be our right hand.

  11. I also think that text messages and e-mails are very helpful ways of communication. They are saving our time and money, they are simple to send and to receive, so we are becoming addicted to them very fast. But in my opinion we shouldn't completely resign from a communication face to face, traditional snail mail or phone calls, because there are many situations when it is not appropriate to fix them by an e-mail or a text message and we ought to take care of them in more personally way.

  12. I use in my every day life e-mail, sms and phone to communicate with other people. Which I use depend on person, who I want to talk, situation, thing about which I must talk and of course on time which I have to communicate, solve the problem and get the answer. I check my e-mail everyday and it is a very good way to communicate with my teacher from university, to send a documents, pictures etc. When I am not at home I send sms and ring from my mobile phone. I also use my mobile phone to ring to somebody if I have a little time and if I need a fast answer.

  13. In my opinion e-mails are also very useful at work, is effective in providing quick answers to yes and no, type questions. Emails can distribute information quickly to many people for the time it takes to email one person. I use e-mails because it is easy and inexpensive. I use sms oftenwhen I need somethink in very short time. I also choose sms when I want to write to fried because phone call is very expensive.

  14. At present we are living so fast that it seams impossible to live without celluar phone or internet. Every day we use phone,sms and e-mail to communicate with another peoples, it depend only on situatation and person with whose we communicate which of those we choose. This ways of comunication are fast and easy and we can use it no maters where we are. I use sms when I want write to friends when we can't talk and I don't remember when I used snail mail.

  15. When I must write something I use mail, becouse I hate write sms, of course it depend on situation but when I must contact with someone I prefer call. I have gmail and I think that is very confortable mail, I see when somebody check mail, so if I want I can talk with him/her on chat. It's great.

  16. I think sms and e-mails are very usefull in our ever day life and they help having contact with others. It depends of course on the person, for example I use e-mails to communicate with my professors, to receive information from my faculty or to send an application form for a job. I don’t use it very often to communicate with my friends, only if I have to send them some anex or if I want to write a long message. In the other case a send an sms or I use applications like gadu-gadu or As Maciek said these programs are very popular in Poland – they are cheap, we can say more things that if we send a sms and they assure a direct communication (contrary to e-mail).

  17. Ithink SMS and e-mail are were good ideas. But sometimes, when we use it all time to "talk" with someone, we lost good relationships. SOme people can't talk face to face, because they are shy. So they write SMS or e'mails. They have only e-friends. It shouln'd be that! It may have a bad results for our society.
    I write SMS only where I konow that receiver can't receive my phone. And e-mail? I write it for people who I didn't see a long time or to organizations. Or to people from Allegro :)
    I think, SMS and e-mail are good, but don't to hand over real emotions.

  18. I use e-mail when I do online auction business. It's fast and I can include some photos, video and electronic documents to my messages.
    I contact with the Dean's Office by e-mail.
    E-mail is a inexpensive method of communication with my friends and family. SMS is a good
    way to sending a short messages.

  19. I use sms when I want send short message to friends, colleague and family. When I must longer message, if I want describe a lot of things I use e - mail. If I haven`t direct access to Internet, I call to people.
    I send official e - mail very offten.

  20. I often use my mobile phone. I need to have a contact with my family and friends. I prefer calling to sanding SMS. It's more convinience for me. Mobile phone can be useful in unexpected situations like car accident or illness. I can't imagine life without phone.

  21. Usually, I apply e-mail and instant messenger because this the fastest and the most comfortable method of communicate with people. When I use mobile phone I usually send SMS. I rarely call to somebody because... I don't like it :)

  22. I don't see the everyday life without mobile phone and e-mails. I know that there are people who under "protest" do not have a cell, but to afford such a luxury you have to be well organized and disciplined, have a good memory. I think someone lives alone is possible, but I can't imagine how a mother can't have contact with their children - for me it is an abstraction and irresponsibility. As for the e-mail is a good way to communicate official - the lecturers at the University to send your CV (I can not imagine the personal delivery CV to the company).
